Sixty is the new 30 a recent study shows. A person’s metabolism actually doesn’t begin slowing until they reach 60 years of age. When this day comes, it only slows one percent a year. Men and women find they can remain healthy and active their entire lives. However, many people don’t remain active. Fortunately, assisted living accommodations can provide seniors with plenty of activities to keep them up and moving. In fact, some people hit their prime in the later years of life. The following individuals became famous after their 60th birthday.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura Ingalls Wilder never lived in a Senior Living community. Furthermore, she never had a tranquil life, but that didn’t stop her from writing about her life. The Little House on the Prairie book series remains popular today with children the world over. The first book in the series, Little House in the Big Woods, was published when Wilder was 64 years of age. Today, countless individuals know her story through this book, the ones that followed, and the television series that continues to be shown on certain television stations today.

William Shatner

People know William Shatner for his role on Star Trek as Captain James T. Kirk. They may not associate him with the first human to take part in a space flight, but he holds that honor as well. He took this space flight when he was 90 years of age, making him the oldest person to have reached outer space. This isn’t the first time Shatner has broken a record. He sold a kidney stone he passed for an astounding $25,000 before donating the proceeds of the sale to Habitat for Humanity. 

Colonel Sanders

Many people find they become bored after they retire. They don’t know how to fill their time when they no longer work every day. Colonel Sanders figured out how to keep his days and his nights full. He was 65 when he began making fried chicken. Actually, he started Kentucky Fried Chicken with his first social security check. At that time, he didn’t have a restaurant. Instead, he traveled around the country sharing his chicken recipe with others until the business took off. Today, many people choose to fill these hours with activities offered at their assisted living in West Bloomfield Township, MI. They find the activities offered within the community keep them busy so they never get bored. 

Barbara Smith

In 2018, Barbara Smith became the oldest person to reach the North Pole, beating a record previously held by Dorothy Davenhill Hirsch. Although she didn’t see her granddaughter during her helicopter ride to the pole, she also didn’t see any polar bears. Her granddaughter was attempting to become the youngest person from the United Kingdom to ski to the North Pole from 89 degrees latitude, a spot known as the Last Degree. 

Harriette Thompson

Most people never run a marathon in their lifetime. However, Harriette Thompson did, and she accomplished this feat at the young age of 92. It took her seven hours, 24 minutes, and 36 seconds. However, time doesn’t matter when you are achieving a goal of this magnitude. The fact that she did it is enough to impress most people. What makes this achievement even more amazing is Ms. Thompson had beaten cancer twice. Running a marathon after that probably seemed like a piece of cake.

Grandma Moses

Imagine moving to assisted living and becoming a world-class painter. Anna Mary Robertson, also known as Grandma Moses, began painting in her late 70s. Because of arthritis, Anna could no longer embroider, as she had done in her younger years. She tried painting farm scenes to fill her need to craft and used supplies already present in her home. A New York art collector saw one of her pieces and the rest is history. 

A person should never let their age hold them back from achieving a dream. When you move to a senior living community, you have more time to pursue interests, as meals, housekeeping, and other traditional chores become the responsibility of other people. You can pursue those things that engage your mind and keep you busy. Who knows? You may find you are the next great author or painter. A person cannot know this until they try something new. 

About Townehall Place:

Townehall Place offers exceptional assisted living. The community enhances the lifestyle of the residents, thanks to the fine dining, social and recreational programs, and luxury accommodations. In addition, residents find they can serve the local community through volunteer collaborations.