Seniors are at a greater risk of developing glaucoma if they are at least 85 years old or have a family history of eye disease. Studies show that there isn’t a cure for glaucoma, but there are treatments that can decrease the effects of the disease and protect the person’s vision. By reviewing early signs and what to expect, seniors know when to set up an appointment with their eye care professionals.  

Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma Symptoms

The most prevailing form of glaucoma is acute angle-closure glaucoma. The symptoms of this form of glaucoma include severe headaches, eye pain, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, halos around lights, and eye redness.

At the onset of the eye disease, the senior may not experience any symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, they notice changes in their peripheral vision. Acute angle-closure glaucoma presents a medical emergency, and anyone who is experiencing these symptoms needs to schedule an emergency visit to their eye care specialist. 

How Can Glaucoma Affect Your Life

For seniors, glaucoma presents life-altering effects because the disease can cause permanent vision damage. The fluid in the eye doesn’t circulate between the cornea and iris as expected and creates high pressure in a patient’s eyes. If the resident doesn’t get treatment for the disease, they could lose their vision. 

Severe vision problems require the residents to get extra help with activities of daily life, and if they cannot see properly, the seniors are at a greater risk of falling and becoming injured. By taking advantage of assisted living homes, the residents have access to a caegivers who will help them with any tasks and lower the risk of injuries. 

The Importance of Comprehensive Eye Exams

All seniors need to set up a routine eye examination at least once each year if they are predisposed to glaucoma. Eye doctors recommend more frequent examinations if the individual is at a greater risk of developing the disease such as if they are at least 85 years old.

Any resident that has experienced any symptoms of glaucoma should set up an appointment at the onset of the disease. By catching glaucoma at an earlier stage, doctors can provide a more effective treatment to control the progression of the disease and protect the resident’s vision. In an assisted living community, all residents have access to on-site transportation to help them get to appointments if they cannot drive themselves.

Partial or Permanent Blindness

Glaucoma presents the risk of partial or permanent blindness, and seniors must take any symptoms they experience seriously. The pressure caused by glaucoma can cause permanent damage to the optic nerve.

Doctors can provide a variety of treatments, including eye drops and surgical procedures, to manage the symptoms and lower the risk of total blindness. If the residents become partially or permanently blind, they will need assistance adjusting to their new reality. 

A Greater Risk of Injuries

As glaucoma progresses, the senior requires more care. Specialists can help seniors learn how to get around when facing vision challenges. This could include installing new safety devices in their apartments. Assisted living options help seniors live independently as long as possible, and updates to their apartments can help them.  

A Great Home for Seniors

Townehall Place Senior Living is a terrific community for seniors and offers a multitude of incredible amenities. The community can help seniors who have vision problems and need extra help with daily tasks. Caregivers are available to accommodate the needs of seniors. Families and seniors who want to learn more about assisted living apartments can get started by setting up a private tour of the community. 

Assisted living communities can provide a wealth of services for seniors who are facing health challenges. Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that could lead to partial or total blindness. If a senior is experiencing any symptoms of the disease, they need to set up an appointment for a comprehensive eye examination quickly. If the individual has acute angle-closure glaucoma, an emergency appointment with an eye doctor is necessary. 

Glaucoma can cause permanent optic nerve damage because of high pressure and improper drainage of fluid between the cornea and iris. Doctors can provide several therapies and treatments for glaucoma at different stages of the disease. Surgeries, eyedrops, and beta-blockers are common treatments for the disease and can manage pressure and drainage. By moving into an assisted living community, seniors have access to healthcare services and caregivers to help manage new and existing conditions.